
Welcome to Ambition Centre for Training. We are a private training centre catering to the training needs and requirements of the Hairdressing and Hospitality Industries. We are responsible for delivering vocational training programmes and Modern Apprenticeships throughout Scotland. These
programmes have been designed to cater for the needs of both the employee and employer.

Whether you are new to industry and have little knowledge, or you are experienced and competent and wish to gain certification, whatever your
circumstances we will design a programme to accommodate your needs. We deliver a choice of Hairdressing courses – Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Modern
Apprenticeships, National Progression Awards as well as Assessor and Internal Verifier qualifications and courses in Beauty and Personal Presentation. All
these qualifications can be studied for at your own pace and convenience and can result in formal certification from the Scottish Qualifications Authority or
City & Guilds.